Valerie L. Zar, Psy.D.
Group therapy is an affordable and highly effective way to improve relationship skills!

I offer a variety of group therapy opportunities to meet the needs of adolescents and adults.  New groups may be formed to meet the needs of referrals received.  If you are interested in finding a group for your adolescent or yourself, please call for a free phone consultation to discuss your needs and options.

Groups forming:

Social Skills Transition to High School
Time: To be determined
$60 - $70 per session

This is a 10-week co-ed group for entering high school freshmen students who struggle with social skill interactions. Anxiety over leaving the familiar comfort of middle school, worry about making new friends, terror about entering new situations, places and routines can all interfere with an adolescent's adjustment to high school. The main goal of this group is to prepare teens for the increased social pressures of high school. Summer is an ideal time to meet new friends, experience new things and practice social skills in a therapeutic, non-threatening environment.

Social Skills for Young Adults:Aspergers's /NVLD
Time: To be determined
$60 - $70 per session

Young adults with a diagnosis of Asperger's or NVLD frequently possess the academic skills and innate intelligence to succeed in college. Unfortunately, deficits in social skills can make their experience in a new social setting miserable! If someone you know struggles with social skills, forming/maintaining relationships, job-seeking, self-advocacy, finding a comfortable fit in leisure activities and would like to develop independent living skills, this is the right group. Members may express their thoughts, feelings and experiences in a safe,nurturing environment, as well as give and provide constructive feedback from the leader and peers.

Social Skills Group for Middle School Adolescents
Time: To be determined
$60 - $70 per session

This is a 10-week group for adolescents in grades 6-8 who struggle with understanding, acquiring and using appropriate social skills. The main goal is to improve social interaction skills through psycho-education, rehearsal, processing and other functional activities.  Time to be determined based on number of groups formed. Space: Limited to 6 individuals per group. Same sex groups will be formed for this age group.

Parenting groups:

Time: To be determined
$50.00/per session

This is a psychoeducational support group for parents who struggle with raising their adolescents and would like to acquire more effective parenting skills, share their concerns and validate their feelings in a safe, nurturing environment with other parents.  Perhaps your child has been diagnosed with an emotional or neurological disability and you feel alone.  This group may help you feel like there are other parents who share your pain, frustration and worry.  You will feel heard, understood , validated and ....hopeful.

 I offer a free phone consultation.  If you have further questions or would like to make an appointment, please call at 760-716-7584 or email to